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Pdf utilities

On arch mutools is mupdf-tools \o/

mutool draw This is the more customizable tool, but also has a more difficult set of command line options. It is primarily used for rendering a document to image files. mutool convert This tool is used for converting documents into other formats, and is easier to use. mutool trace This is a debugging tool used for printing a trace of the graphics device calls on a page. There are also several tools specifically for working with PDF files:

mutool show A tool for displaying the internal objects in a PDF file. mutool extract Extract images and embedded font resources. mutool clean Rewrite PDF file. Used to fix broken files, or to make a PDF file human editable. mutool merge Merge pages from multiple input files into a new PDF. mutool poster Divide pages of a PDF into pieces that can be printed and merged into a large poster. mutool create Create a new PDF file from a text file with graphics commands. mutool sign List, verify, and sign digital signatures in PDF files. mutool info Print details about objects on each page in a PDF file. mutool pages Print details about media box, artbox, etc for each page in a PDF file. And finally, there is a tool for doing anything you can imagine:

mutool run A tool for running Javascript programs with access to the MuPDF library functions.