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Arch: sudo pacman -S qemu (optionally “qemu-arch-extra” for more architectures) Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt install qemu Fedora: sudo dnf install qemu

To create a virtual image use:

  • qemu-img create -f qcow2 Image.img 10G

  • (create is to create an image, -f qcow2 sets the format to qcow2, Image.img is our final file and 10G is it’s size)

  • Launching the VM:

  • qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -cdrom OS_ISO.iso -boot menu=on -drive file=Image.img -m 2G

  • (-enable-kvm enables KVM, -cdrom selects an iso to load as a cd, -boot menu=on enables a boot menu, -drive file= selects a file for the drive, -m sets the amount of dedicated RAM) (Remember! Ctrl + Alt + G to exit capture, Ctrl + Alt + F to fullscreen!)

  • That doesn’t run so good, what can we do to improve it?

  • Basic performance options

  • -cpu host (sets the CPU to the hosts’ CPU)
  • -smp 2 (sets the numbers of cores)

Basic Graphics Acceleration

  • the -vga option can be used to specify one of various vga card emulators:

  • “qxl” offers 2D acceleration but requires kernel modules “qxl” and “bochs_drm” to be enabled:

  • -vga qxl

  • “virtio” works much better and supports some 3D emulation:

  • -vga virtio -display sdl,gl=on