- Fafher & the grey mouser, Fritz Leiber. (Fenderbasisstz)
- Coldfire Trilogy Fantasy (llalalalalalalamama)
- Solo Adventures
- Meditations By Marcus Aurelius (I am going slow to not finish it soon)
- How to Argue: Powerfully, Persuasively, Positively, Jonathon Herring
- George Orwell’s 1984
- Flatland, A romance of multiple dimensions [got bored, stopped reading.]
- The Eye of the World (1990)
- The Great Hunt (1990)
- The Dragon Reborn (1991)
- The Shadow Rising (1992)
- The Fires of Heaven (1993)
- Lord of Chaos (1994)
- A Crown of Swords (1996)
Currently Reading
- Art of Unix
- Richard Dawkins, Selfish Gene
- Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
- Concept of Programming Languages, Robert W. Sebesta
- Advance Linux Programming Mark Mitchell
- How to Read a book by Adler J Mortimer
- The Path of Daggers (1998)
- Winter’s Heart (2000)
- Crossroads of Twilight (2003)
- New Spring (2004)
- Knife of Dreams (2005)
- The Gathering Storm (2009)
- Towers of Midnight (2010)
- A Memory of Light
Planning to Read
- Fahrenheit 451
- The Creative mind myths and mechanisms, Margaret A Boden.
- Rene Descartes - Reason Discourse
- Mark A Ludwig’s The little black book of virus.
- Beggininng Perl Programming.