
Emacs and its derivatives are a family of text editors that are characterized by their extensibility

C control key (CTRL)
M meta key (ALT or ESC)
Quick Answers
C-xC-f find file
C-xC-s save file
C-xC-c exit Emacs
Cursor Motion
C-f Move forward by a character
C-b Move backward by a character
M-f Move forward by a word
M-b Move backward by a word
C-n Move forward by a line
C-p Move backward by a line
M-e Move forward by a sentence
M-a Move backward by a sentence
M-} Move forward by a paragraph
M-{ Move backward by a paragraph
C-M-f Move forward by an expression
C-M-b Move backward by an expression
C-a Move to the start of a line
C-e Move to the end of a line
M-< Move to the start of a buffer
M-> Move to the end of a buffer
M-gg# Go to line number #
C-d Delete a character (forward)
DEL Delete a character (backward)
M-d Delete a word (forward)
M-DEL Delete a word (backward)
C-k Delete a line (forward)
C-SPCC-aC-w Delete a line (backward)
M-k Delete a sentence (forward)
C-xDEL Delete a sentence (backward)
C-M-k Delete an expression (forward)
C-M-DEL Delete an expression (backward)
Scrolling and Windows
C-v Page Down
M-v Page Up
C-M-v Page Down other window
C-x1 Make current window only window
C-x2 Split window vertically
C-x3 Split window horizontally
C-x^ Grow window vertically
C-xo Switch to next window
C-x0 Close current window
Cutting and Pasting
C-SPC Set mark
C-w Cut (after setting mark and moving to end point)
M-w Copy (after setting mark and moving to end point)
C-y Yank (paste) most recently killed (cut or copied)
M-y Yank next most recently killed
Files and Buffers
C-xC-f Find file (or create if not existing)
C-xC-s Save file
C-xC-w Write file
C-xs Save modified buffers
C-xb Select buffer
C-xC-b List buffers
C-xk Kill buffer
ESCESCESC Leave current location
C-u# Prefix numeric argument # to next command
C-g Stop running command, or cancel partially entered command
Searching and Replacing
C-s Incremental search forward
C-r Incremental search backward
C-M-s Regexp search forward
C-M-r Regexp search backward
M-x<replace-string>RET String replace from here to end of buffer
M-x<query-replace>RET String replace from here to end of buffer, querying for each occurrence
M-x<grep>RET Prompts for a grep command, shows hits in a buffer
C-x` Visit next grep hit
C-hk Show command documentation
C-ha “Command apropos”
C-hc Show command name on message line
C-hf Describe function
C-hi Info browser
C-_ Undo/redo
C-xu Undo/redo (alternative)
C-q Quoted insert
C-z Suspend/iconify emacs (type “%emacs” to return
C-xC-c Exit emacs
M-x<shell-strip-ctrl-m>RET Flush ^M at end of line