
Cheat sheet for syntax, operators, and operations in the PowerShell language

Arithmetic Operators
1 + 2 Addition
1 - 2 Subtraction
-1 Set negative value
1 * 2 Multiplication
1 / 2 Division
1 % 2 Modulus
100 -shl 2 Bitwise Shift-left
100 -shr 1 Bitwise Shift-right
Assignment Operators
= Sets the value of a variable to the specified value
+= Increases the value of a variable by the specified value
+= Appends the specified value to the existing value
-= Decreases the value of a variable by the specified value
*= Multiplies the value of a variable by the specified value
/= Divides the value of a variable by the specified value
%= Divides the value of a variable by the specified value and then assigns the remainder (modulus) to the variable
++ Increases the value of a variable, assignable property, or array element by 1
-- Decreases the value of a variable, assignable property, or array element by 1
Comparison Operators
1 -eq 1 Equal to
1 -ne 2 Not equal to
5 -gt 1 Greater-than
5 -ge 5 Greater-than or equal to
5 -lt 10 Less-than
5 -le 5 Less-than or equal to
"MyString" -like "*String" Match using the wildcard character (*)
"MyString" -notlike "Other*" Does not match using the wildcard character (*)
"MyString" -match "$String^" Matches a string using regular expressions
"MyString" -notmatch "$Other^" Does not match a string using regular expressions
"abc", "def" -contains "def" Returns true when the value (right) is present in the array (left)
"abc", "def" -notcontains "123" Returns true when the value (right) is not present in the array (left)
"def" -in "abc", "def" Returns true when the value (left) is present in the array (right)
"123" -notin "abc", "def" Returns true when the value (left) is not present in the array (right)
"Get-Process" -replace "Get", "Stop" Changes the specified elements of a value
Logical Operators
-and Logical and
-or Logical or
-xor Logical exclusive or
-not Logical not
! Logical not
Redirection Operators
cmdlet > file Send success output to file (overwrite)
cmdlet >> file Send success output to file (append)
cmdlet 1>&2 Send success and error output to error stream
cmdlet 2> file Send error output to file (overwrite)
cmdlet 2>> file Send error output to file (append)
cmdlet 2>&1 Send success and error output to success output stream
cmdlet 3> file Send warning output to file (overwrite)
cmdlet 3>> file Send warning output to file (append)
cmdlet 3>&1 Send success and warning output to success output stream
cmdlet 4> file Send verbose output to file (overwrite)
cmdlet 4>> file Send verbose output to file (append)
cmdlet 4>&1 Send success and verbose output to success output stream
cmdlet 5> file Send debug output to file (overwrite)
cmdlet 5>> file Send debug output to file (append)
cmdlet 5>&1 Send success and debug output to debug stream
cmdlet *> file Send all output streams to file (overwrite)
cmdlet *>> file Send all output streams to file (append)
cmdlet *>&1 Send all output streams to success output stream
Type Operators
(get-date) -is [DateTime] Returns true when the input (left) is an instance of the specified .NET Framework type (right)
(get-date) -isNot [DateTime] Returns true when the input (left) is not an instance of the specified .NET Framework type (right)
01/01/16 -as [DateTime] Converts the input (left) to the specified .NET Framework type (right)
Special Operators
( expression ) Grouping expresion operator; Returns the result of a single contained statement
$( exp1; exp2 ) Subexpression operator; Returns the result of one or more contained statements
@( 1 ) Array subexpression operator; Returns the result of one or more contained statements as an array
@( expression1 ; expression2 ) Array subexpression operator; Returns the result of one or more contained statements as an array
[DateTime]::now Static member operator; Calls the static properties operator and methods of a .NET Framework class
$arr = ,1 Comma operator (unary); the comma creates an array with one member (place the comma before the member)
$arr = 1,2,3 Comma operator (binary); the comma creates an array
& notepad.exe Call operator; Runs a command, script, or script block
. .\sample.ps1 Dot-sourcing operator; Runs a script in the current scope so that any functions, aliases, and variables that the script creates are added to the current scope
"{0:N}" -f 1.126 Format operator; Formats strings by using the format method of string objects
1..10 Range operator; Represents the sequential integers in an integer array, given an upper and lower boundary
cmdlet1 \| cmdlet2 Send (pipe) output of cmdlet1 to cmdlet2; if output is a collection, objects are sent one at a time
$_ The current object in the pipeline
cmdlet \| ForEach-Object { ... } Loop each object in the pipeline
cmdlet \| % { ... } Alias of ForEach-Object
cmdlet \| Where-Object { ... } Filter each object in the pipeline by the given expression
cmdlet \| ? { ... } Alias of Where-Object
'' String literal; single-quoted strings do not support substitution
"" String literal; double-quoted strings do support substitution
"$myVariable" Variable expansion
"$(2 + 3)" Expression expansion
-join Combine multiple strings into a single string
-split Separate single string into substrings
Switch Statements
switch(1){ 1{'One'} 2{'Two'} } Switch statement, where the input value 1 is compared to case values 1 and 2. 1 equals 1, so ‘One’ is output
switch(1){ 1{'One'; break} 2{'Two'; break} } Switch statement, where the input value 1 is compared to case values until the first matching value. The switch statement is then exited
switch(3){ 1{'One'; break} 2{'Two'; break} default{'None'} } Switch statement, where the input value 3 is compared to case values until the first matching value, or to the default statement if no matching values are found
switch -Regex ('Test'){ 'Te*'{1} } Switch statement, where the input value is matched to regular expression case statements. ‘Test’ matches ‘Te*’, so 1 is output
switch -CaseSensitive ('test'){ 'Te*'{1} } Switch statement, where the input value is compared to case values and case sensitivity is enforced. ‘test’ does not match ‘Test’, so nothing is output
switch -File ./test.txt { 'Test'{1} } Switch statement, where the input value is retrieved from a file and compared to case statements
If/ElseIf/Else Statements
if($val -eq 1){'Statement 1'} If statement, where the conditional statement ‘$val -eq 1’ is always evaluated and ‘Statement 1’ is output if the condition is true
if($val -eq 1){'Statement 1'} elseif($val -eq 2){'Statement 2'} If/ElseIf statement, where elseif is evaluated only when the if condition is false
if($val -eq 1){'Statement 1'} elseif($val -eq 2){'Statement 2'} else{'Statement 3'} If/ElseIf statement, where else is evaluated only when the if and elseif conditions are both false
for($i=1; $i -le 10; $i++){Write-Host $i} For loop, writing from 1 to 10 in console
foreach ($service in Get-Service) { $service.Status -eq "Running" } Foreach loop, iterating all services and outputting true/false depending on each service’s status
while($val -ne 10) { $val++ ; Write-Host $val } While loop, writing from 1 to 10 in console