Redis Cheat Sheet

  1. SET
    • xx
    • nx
    • value
    • ex

Syntax: Set [keyname] value [keyvalue] {ex} {xx|nx} xx - insert iff it does exits already nx - insert iff it does not exists already

  1. DEL
  2. KEYS
  3. MSET
  4. MGET
  6. TTL
  7. INCR
  8. DECR
  10. DECRBY
  11. LPUSH
  12. RPUSH
  13. LLEN
  14. RandomKEy
  15. rename
  16. renamenx
  17. touch
  18. unlink
  19. type
  20. INCRBYFLoat
  21. dump
  22. restore
  23. expire
  24. pexpire
  25. persist
  26. ttl
  27. pttl
  28. exists
  29. append
  30. Decrbyfloat
  31. getset
  32. msetnx
  33. getrange End is inclusive in getrange, unlike python.
  34. setex : create a key and set its expiry
  35. setrange : write and replace substring
  36. strlen
  37. psetex
  38. rpushx : only allows pushing if list exists already
  39. lpushx : – “ “ –
  40. (l/r)pop
  41. ltrim
  42. lset


    • LPUSH
    • RPUSH
    • LLEN
    • LRANGE


    • hset
    • hget
    • hmset
    • hgetall
    • hmget
    • hexists
    • hkeys
    • hlen
    • hsetnx
    • hdel
    • hincrby
    • hincrbyfloat
    • hstrlen
    • hvals

Pattern Matching

  1. ?
  2. *
  3. [ae]
  4. [^]