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- Concatenate two strings x, y
x="Unix" y="Utils" echo $x$y => UnixUtils
- Delimit string with Character
x='Unix-Utils-Universe' IFS=- read -r x y z <<< "$x" echo $x => Unix echo $y => Utils echo $z => Universe
- Delimit and Convert to array
x='Unix-Utils-World' IFS=- read -ra string <<< "$x" echo ${string[@]}
- Get length of String
name=unixutils echo ${#name}
- Get substring from a specific position
name=unixutils echo ${name:0} => unixutils echo ${name:1} => nixutils echo ${name:2} => ixutils echo ${name:start:end}
- Replace one string with another
x=-Unix-Utils-World- echo ${x/World/Universe} => Unix-Utils-Universe echo ${x/World} => Deletes world echo ${x/-} => removes first occurance of - echo ${x//-} => removes all occurance of - echo ${x/#-} => removes all occurance of - which is a prefix echo ${x/%-} => removes all occurance of - which is a suffix
- Check for presence of substring
string='UnixUtils Welcomes you' if [[ $string = *"Welcomes you"* ]]; then echo "substring found" fi
- Convert Case
x=pewpew echo ${x^^} => Upper Case echo ${x,,} => Lower case echo ${x,} => Convert first character Lower case echo ${x^} => Convert first character Upper case echo ${x^^[p]} => Convert specific character Upper case echo ${x,,[p]} => Convert specific character Lower case