Tue Feb 23 11:06:27 PM UTC 2021 ***

  • Feel Good
  • Create a bot to roundrobin schedule chess matches
  • Create a markov chain bot for norman.
  • for the love of god, fix battmon
  • For the love of devil fix that broken compton
  • Work more with org mode and fix it
  • Feel Good
  • Get one more system for telebit
  • Make another donation to wikipedia and telebit
  • Research more on Encodings
  • ORG MORE!!!!

Sun Nov 29 08:27:05 PM UTC 2020 ***

  • Add to Makefile for Compton
    picom: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/compton.png exists in filesystem
    picom: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/compton.svg exists in filesystem
  • Finish notes for Kernel sysfs

Sun 26 Jul 2020 06:35:04 PM ***

  • Start With Cleaning the Notes
  • Create and Organize Vim Wiki
  • Create good Vim shortcuts and understand them as well
  • Start Organising things well and Port Notes from Notes to vim wiki
  • Think up of some strategy for Hosting it on web

Sun 27 Jul 2020 12:00:51 AM

  • Start with NagiOS
  • Start looking up in depth on icinga2
  • Start with more questions in both and try hard
  • ELK needs attention
  • Once some commit is in place work on yacu
  • Start with trymehacking and others

Wed 29 Jul 2020 12:01:20 PM

  • Repair Virtual machine
  • reinstall logstash and fix any issues
  • Fix tmux inside vm
  • continue with kibana and others
  • fix Xserver in vm so that you can access browser natively
  • read more on elk
  • continue following the book

Fri Jul 31 16:04:59 2020

  • Optimise the Vagrant vm for ELk
  • Find Alternative to Curl (Found httpie, much better)
  • Fix the tasks list on git
  • Focus on ElasticSearch and understand crucial non practical concepts
  • Make notes lots of them
  • Work harder even after the shift time, because its fun! ***

Sat 01 Aug 2020 6:59:27 PM UTC

  • fix laptop
  • changed operating system
  • Take backups
  • Cry all night for the loss of data ;-;

Sun 02 Aug 2020 10:59:27 AM UTC

  • Rice the new setup
  • Fix login screen (ttys are cool but not eyecandy)
  • Don’t cry for the loss of data, happiness is eternal data is not
  • look into picom, ibhagwans fork and Compton.

Mon 03 Aug 2020 10:59:27 PM UTC

  • Get virtualbox
  • Fix vagrant and other things
  • Get telegram and other stuffs
  • Restore backup
  • Cry for lost data (not really)
  • Try to obtain stuffs and restore as much as you can
  • Read books and be glad

Wed 26 Aug 2020 10:58:01 AM UTC

  • Finish Puppet learning stuffs
  • Finish setting up a puppet master/agent
  • Install Icingastuffs on agent
  • connect More satellites to icinga2

– Work hard and pewpew! –

Tue Sep 22 10:48:00 AM UTC 2020

  • Create the pewpew thrukCli in lua, because lua has the coroutines, and we want our lives to be easy.
  • Go through the chats, and make a Wiki out of it.
  • Make written notes whenever you can, and try to keep bookmarks.
  • Start with Competitive Programming
  • Project Euler, Chess Spanish and japanese must all start.
  • Start Studying for exams.