Linux Tools and Things

Well, this basically includes my tools for linux and stuffs,

|                      Applications                       |
+           +---------------------------------------------+
+           +---------------------------------------------+
|           |              System Libraries               |
|                  System call Interface                  |
+-         VFS         -++-    Sockets     -+------------+
+-----------------------++------------------| Scheduler  |
|     File Systems      ||     TCP/UDP      |            |
+-   Volume Manager    -|        IP         |  Virtual   |
+-----------------------+-------------------|   Memory   |
|     Block device      |     Ethernet      |            |
|                     Device Drivers                     |
            |          I/O bridge           |
   |                                                 |
   v                                                 v
+-  I/O controller  -+------------------------------------------+
|    [disk/swap]     |        Network Controller [Port]         |


1) Strace 2) ltrace 3) ss 4) Netstat for tcp|udp|IP|ethernet|sockets 5) iptraf Ethernet|IP|TCP|UDP 6) tcpdump Ethernet 7) vmstat slabtop free [Virtual memory dram] 8) top ps cpu 9) perf tiptop Memory bus 10) iostat iotop blktrace Block device interface 11) sysdig syscall interface 12) swapon for swap 13) ethtool snmpget lldptool nicstat ip Network controller

  • Process status listing, ascii tree style ps -ef f````

  • Virtual memory statistics and more
  • vmstat -Sm -l
  • mpstat for multiprocessor stats
  • Main memory usage free -m
  • strace is syscall tracer
  • tcpdump tcpdump -i eth0 -w pewpewfile
  • nicstat for network stats [Look into it more]
  • sar system activity reporter
  • ss -mop socket stats

  • For seeing the memory used by a process: ps -o user,%mem,command ax | sort -b -k3 -r | grep "evilvte"
  • To share command of one shell to another one, just do tty then <command> > /dev/pts/<number>