== Tricks ==
- Changing deafult applications in ubuntu For torrent : gio mime x-scheme-handler/magnet qbittorrent.desktop
- For always playing amv in small window mpv –geometry=422x240 Amv &
- So as to find all the open ports just run
netstat -lntup
ofcourse, you can grep it tree -f | grep "file_name_pewpew"
is a really fast way to search for a file, with some tests I have found that this is actually faster thanfind -type f -name ""
- To use certain commands without sudo and password ``` Cmnd_Alias PASSWORDLESS = /usr/bin/systemctl restart network manager yourusername ALL=(ALL) ALL yourusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: PASSWORDLESS
- gopherpedia is wikipedia using gopher protocol, which is very cool! gopher://gopherpedia.com/
- To make get post put requests like inside a shell, you can use http-prompt which is Truly excellent.
- cat pew | (exec 3<>/dev/tcp/termbin.com/9999;cat >&3;cat <&3;exec 3<&-) This basically allows us to post snippets on bash. Without using any other program, ideal for netcat less devices.
- date -d @timestamp allows converting timestamps to UTC time
- date –date = “DATE” “+%s” converts normal date to timestamp
- Press a at android’s boot in qemu and then after ram0 add androidboot.hardware=x86 if its not booting in gui