How to add permanent line numbers to a file?

In pure Vim fashion:

:%s/^/\=line('.').". "


:%s/^/            " the substitution will be applied to the beginning of every line
\=                " the rest of the replacement part is an expression
line('.').". "    " the expression returns the current line n

I think the chosen answer is the best, but in the sprit of variety, I’ll offer an alternative using an external program:

:%!cat -n

This will filter your entire buffer (as denoted by %) through the external program, cat, where the -n flag prepends each line of input with a line number.

This, of course, requires that you have cat installed, which is true for (probably) all Unix-like systems.

Check out :help :range! for more details on filtering through external programs.

Inserting current date and time


Vim’s internal strftime() function (:help strftime()) returns a date/time string formatted in a way you specify with a format string. Most systems support strftime(), but some don’t.

or using external program :r !date

Switch Case

You can change the case of text:

Toggle case "HellO" to "hELLo" with g~ then a movement.
Uppercase "HellO" to "HELLO" with gU then a movement.
Lowercase "HellO" to "hello" with gu then a movement.
Alternatively, you can visually select text then press ~ to toggle case, or U to convert to uppercase, or u to convert to lowercase.

Join a vertical line

An easy one. Use a range from first line until last one and join them with an space between them:


answered Feb 18 2015 at 12:38

Or even shorter :%j