
sudo apk add shadow postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-client (install bash as well if missing)

useradd -m -G wheel postgres
su - postgres
initdb -d Data
pg_ctl start -d Data

psql -At -c ‘SELECT version();’ should spoyut some data

if it fails:

On alpine Machine.

init.d system I suppose

Patrick Lindeman wrote:

I’m trying to start my postgres server and it gives me the following errror

FATAL: could not create lock file “/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock”: Permission denied

This looks like an Ubuntu or similar install. I believe the standard PostgreSQL default for unix_socket_directory is /tmp but this can be changed at build-time. The build Ubuntu provides defaults to /var/run/postgresql. Other Debian-based distros may do something similar.

In any case, the normal PostgreSQL install for your distro should start fine via the init scripts such as (Ubuntu style):

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 start

But if you are trying a to run an instance of the PostgreSQL server owned by your local user, you need to ensure that the unix socket directory is writable by the user that owns the PostgreSQL server process. Try:


Cheers, Steve

Or else

  • chown -R postgres:postgres /var/run/postgresql