
Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor

:w write (save) the file, but don’t exit
:wq write (save) and quit
:x write (save) and quit
:q quit (fails if there are unsaved changes)
:q! quit and throw away unsaved changes
:qa quit all buffers and windows
ZZ write (save) current file, if modified, and quit
ZQ quit without checking for changes
Cursor Movement

| h | move cursor left | | ——— | ————————————————————————————— | | j | move cursor down | | k | move cursor up | | l | move cursor right | | w | jump forwards to the start of a word | | W | jump forwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation) | | e | jump forwards to the end of a word | | E | jump forwards to the end of a word (words can contain punctuation) | | b | jump backwards to the start of a word | | B | jump backwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation) | | 0 | jump to the start of the line | | ^ | jump to the first non-blank character of the line | | $ | jump to the end of the line | | G | go to the last line of the document | | nG | go to line number n | | :n | go to line number n | | '' | To the position before the latest jump, / where the last “m’” / “m" command was given. | | fx | jump to next occurrence of character x | | tx | jump to one character before the character x | | } | jump to next paragraph | | { | jump to previous paragraph | | H | jump to home (top) of screen | | L | jump to last line of screen | | M | jump to middle of screen | | 3, f, x | jump to 3rd instance of character x forward from cursor on current line. | | 3, F, x` | jump to 3rd instance of character x back from cursor on current line. |

Screen Movement
Ctrl u move screen up by half page
Ctrl b move screen up by one page
Ctrl d move screen down by half page
Ctrl f move screen down by one page
zz center screen on cursor
zt align top of screen with cursor
zb align bottom of screen with cursor
Insert Mode - Inserting/Appending Text
i insert before the cursor
I insert at the beginning of the line
a insert (append) after the cursor
A insert (append) at the end of the line
o append (open) a new line below the current line
O append (open) a new line above the current line
ea insert (append) at the end of the word
Esc exit insert mode
r replace a single character
J join line below to the current one
cc change (replace) entire line
cw change (replace) to the end of the word
c$ change (replace) to the end of the line
s delete character and substitute text
S delete line and substitute text (same as cc)
xp transpose two letters (delete and paste)
u undo
Ctrl r redo
. repeat last command
Cut and Paste
yy yank (copy) a line
2yy yank (copy) 2 lines
:n,Ny yank lines n through N
yw yank (copy) word
y$ yank (copy) to end of line
p put (paste) the clipboard after cursor
P put (paste) before cursor
dd delete (cut) a line
2dd delete (cut) 2 lines
:n,Nd delete lines n through N
dw delete (cut) word
D delete (cut) to the end of the line
d$ delete (cut) to the end of the line
x delete (cut) character
Search and Replace
* search for word under cursor
/pattern search for pattern
?pattern search backward for pattern
n repeat search in same direction
N repeat search in opposite direction
:%s/old/new/g replace all old with new throughout file
:%s/old/new/gc replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations
Marking Text (Visual Mode)
v start visual mode, mark lines, then do a command (like y-yank)
V start linewise visual mode
vo move to other end of marked area
Ctrl v start visual block mode
vO move to other corner of block
vaw mark a word
vab mark a block with ()
vaB mark a block with {}
vib mark inner block with ()
viB mark inner block with {}
Esc exit visual mode
Visual Commands
> shift text right
< shift text left
== auto-indent current line
<< shift current line left by shiftwidth
>> shift current line right by shiftwidth
y yank (copy) marked text
d delete marked text
~ switch case
Working with Multiple Files
:e filename edit a file in a new buffer
:ene open a blank file for editing
:bnext / :bn go to the next buffer
:bprev / :bp go to the previous buffer
:bd delete a buffer (close a file)
:sp filename open a file in a new buffer and split window
:vs filename open a file in a new buffer and vertically split window
Ctrl ws split window
Ctrl ww switch windows
Ctrl wq quit a window
Ctrl wv split window vertically
Ctrl wh move cursor to window left
Ctrl wl move cursor to window right
Ctrl wk move cursor to window above
Ctrl wj move cursor to window below
Ctrl wr rotate windows clockwise
Ctrl wT move current window to a new tab
:on close all windows except current window
Ctrl w\| maximize width of active window
Ctrl w1\| minimize width of active window
Ctrl w_ maximize height of active window
Ctrl w1_ minimize height of active window
Ctrl w= equalize size of windows
#gt move to tab number #
Ctrl wt move the current split window into its own tab
:tabmove # move current tab to the #th position (indexed from 0)
:tabnew filename / :tabn filename open a file in a new tab
:tabclose / :tabc close the current tab and all its windows
:tabonly / :tabo close all tabs except for the current one
gt / :tabnext / :tabn move to the next tab
gT / :tabprev / :tabp move to the previous tab
:reg / :registers view all current registers
echo @r access register r as a variable
"/ last search pattern register
"_ the black hole register
"0 last yank register
"1 last big delete register
"2-"9 big delete register stack
"+ system clipboard
"- small delete register
"a-"z named registers
"A-"Z append registers
qr record into register r
Additional Ex Commands
:mak / :make run a compiler and enter quickfix mode
:! execute external shell command
:r / :read read external program output into current file
:x,ymz move lines x through y to z (delete + put)
:x,ytz yank lines x through y and put to z (yank + put)
:. current line (cursor location)
:$ last line (bottom of file)
:0 first line (top of file)
:ls list all open files
:%TOhtml create html representation of current working buffer
Basic Configuration
:set nu show line numbers
:set hid lets you switch buffers without saving
:set hls highlight search matches
:set sc show commands as you type them
:set ru show line and column number of the cursor
Folding Commands
zf#j creates a fold from the cursor down # lines
zf/ string creates a fold from the cursor to string
zj moves the cursor to the next fold
zk moves the cursor to the previous fold
za toggle a fold under cursor
zo opens a fold at the cursor
zO opens all folds at the cursor
zc closes a fold under cursor
zm increases the foldlevel by one
zM closes all open folds
zr decreases the foldlevel by one
zR decreases the foldlevel to zero – all folds will be open
zd deletes the fold at the cursor
zE deletes all folds
[z move to start of open fold
]z move to end of open fold